Pohár Lib. kraje


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Krátké zprávy

30.3.2013 Propozice na jablonecký plavecko-běžecký duatlon, který se bude konat 25. dubna naleznete zde

5.10.2012 Výsledky z lékařského triatlonu naleznete zde.

 31.7.2012  TJ Bižuterie Jablonec n.N. uspořádá  dne 22.září 2012 opět triatlon pro mládežnické kategorie. Podrobnější infromace již brzy v sekci Libereceký kraj.

    8.7.2012 Zážitky Petry Kuříkové - 5.té   z akademického MS si můžete přečíst zde.

28.3.2012    13.Jablonecký plavecko-běžecký duatlon se uskuteční ve čtvrek 12.dubna v plaveckém bazénu ( ul. Sv.Čecha ) a jeho okolí. Prezentace od 13 do 13,30hod. Bližší informace uvedeme v nejbližší době.

29.1.2012 Ve druhém závodě ČP v ZTT v Hlinsku si vedll skvěle Martin Hušek, když stejně jako před týdnem získal 2.místo. Lepší byl pouze Pavel Jindra. Ostatní závodníci našeho oddílu nestartovali. Po dvou závodech je Martin celkově druhý a tým TJ Bižuterie na 2.-3.místě výsledky zde.


Běží na Drupalu, open-source redakčním systému


Engel: Po pádu se mi nechtělo vstávat. Ale já i motorka jsme v pořádku

Z Jablonecka - Út, 16/01/2024 - 23:00
V deváté etapě Dakaru čekaly na jezdce snad všechny možné povrchy, které může Saudská Arábie nabídnout. Písek s duny opět střídaly skály a kameny. Englovi vypověděl službu přepínač na roadbook. Michek marodí, ale dál jede jako ďas.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Novák předvedl blokařské představení. Malá Skála brala všechny body

Z Jablonecka - Út, 16/01/2024 - 20:00
Po vánoční pauze odstartovala druhá polovina soutěže II. národní volejbalové ligy mužů. Na palubovku domácí Malé Skály, jakožto dosavadního lídra skupiny B, zavítal třetí celek tabulky, tým z Jiráskova Hronova.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Pohár LKFS se bude hrát jako slavná Liga mistrů. Šest skupin nabízí velké šlágry

Z Jablonecka - Út, 16/01/2024 - 13:31
/FOTO/ Zcela nový kabát dostal v libereckém regionu v zimní přípravě populární fotbalový Pohár LKFS. Klasický vyřazovací model nahradí systém připomínající třeba prestižní Ligu mistrů se šesti základními skupinami po pěti týmech. „Jsem zvědavý, jaký ohlas bude změna mít, ale snažili jsme se klubům vyjít maximálně vstříc a nový systém jim ušít na míru," je v očekávání nejen sekretář libereckého krajského svazu Zbyněk Poppr.
Kategorie: Triatlon

A number of Development and Education projects closed out the season

ITU - novinky - Út, 16/01/2024 - 05:13

As 2023 came to a close, a number of World Triathlon Development and Education projects saw out the year in December. These included -

- World Triathlon Continental Development Grants - Americas Triathlon signed the 2024 World Triathlon Development agreement, making it the first region to do so.

- In National Federation Services, the last virtual Open Hour was held on 13-14 December. World Triathlon updates, event details and outstanding achievements were highlighted and shared.

- Asia Triathlon held its last Level 2 coaching course in Qatar, closing out a very bust year for the region.

- The strong relationship between the Venezuelan Triathlon Federation and their National Olympic Committee saw them receive an IOC Olympic Solidarity grant to host a World Triathlon Coaches Level 1 Course designed to develop coaches for the region. All details can be found below.

- World Triathlon recognises the support of all National Federations, Associate Members and Continental Confederations for their continuous support and collaboration in delivering development projects worldwide


Americas Triathlon is the first to sign the World Triathlon Development Agreement for 2024 after the TRI Executive Board approved their projects and budget allocation for the Olympic Year of 2024 in their last meeting in Lausanne in early December.

The 2024 Americas Triathlon - World Triathlon Development Agreement can be downloaded here: Documents • World Triathlon.


Last NF Open Hours: Balance of 2023

All members were invited to join the virtual National Federation Open Hours on December 13 and 14. As well as World Triathlon updates provided by Secretary General Antonio F. Arimany and event updates from World Triathlon Sport Director Gergely Markus, the participants received an overview of the new procedures in athletes’ Anti-Doping Education to take effect on February 1 2024.

The last session also offered opportunities to look back on the extraordinary achievements of our members in 2023.
Those highlighted were -
- Mr Ali Magboul, President of the Saudi Triathlon Federation and Mr Majid Amahroc, President of the Fédération Royale Marocaine de Triathlon, provided valuable insights about their national successes and challenges while hosting outstanding continental (2023 Asia Triathlon Sprint Championships Al-Khobar) and world (2023 World Triathlon Cup Tangier) events in 2023 for the first time.
- Mr Juan Manuel Velasco Diez, President of the Colombian Triathlon Federation and two Caribbean National Federation Presidents, represented by Ms Karen Araujo (Trinidad and Tobago) and Mr Dorian Roach (Bahamas), highlighted their remarkable contributions to the development of Triathlon in their region in 2023.

For the presentation and recordings, please visit Triathlon.org
December 13-14, 2023 | TRI Updates & NF Achievements

December Presentation
Webinar Recording (13 December session, English)
Webinar Recording (13 December session, French)
Webinar Recording (14 December session, Español)
The first NF Open Hours for 2024 will take place on 14-15 February 2024.


Qatar Welcome Level 2 Coach Candidates

Asia Triathlon’s last development project in a very busy year for the region was the 2023 Doha World Triathlon Coaches Level 2 Course held in Qatar from December 10-14. Eight coaches from five National Federations - Jordan, Kuwait, Philippines, United Arab Emirates and Qatar - gathered for five days to deepen and strengthen their knowledge of triathlon coaching.

The World Triathlon Level 2 Coach Education focuses on developing and delivering more advanced triathlon coaching practices, including individualised support and understanding of the processes and principles of coaching triathlon activities to groups of children and/or adults through the application of training science. Vicent Beltran (ESP), World Triathlon Coach Facilitator, guided the candidates through the practical and technical aspects.

Fahad Al-Mohammad (QAT): “This course added significant value to my coaching experience. The practical testing sessions unlocked a new level of knowledge for me. This course reshaped my coaching approach completely.”

Isora Sosa (QAT): “This course allowed me to apply all the theories I have learned during my studies. It also answered many questions I have had since I started studying.”

Firas Al-Hmood (JOR): “As a participant in this seminar, I had the chance to realise that in order to understand triathlon more, we must experience and process our plans.”

Venezuela Expands its Coaches’ Community

Thanks to the excellent relationship between the Venezuelan Triathlon Federation and the National Olympic Committee, the federation received an IOC Olympic Solidarity grant to host a World Triathlon Coaches Level 1 Course.

After months of significant planning and preparation between all the parties involved - IOC, NOC, NF and World Triathlon - the 2023 La Guaira OS - World Triathlon Coaches Level 1 Course took place between December 11-15.

Eighteen newly trained coaches (12 male and 6 female) were prepared to enrich the coaching community in Venezuela to cover the growing need nationwide.

World Triathlon Coach Facilitators Claudia Beristain (MEX) and Ultiminio Alvarez (MEX) delivered the course.

Eligible lists - Level 2 Coaches Education

World Triathlon published the lists of all eligible coaches per continent who can take their education to the next level (Level 2). Please check out on Triathlon.org

Asia Triathlon - List of World Triathlon Level 2 Eligible Coaches 2024
Africa Triathlon - List of World Triathlon Level 2 Eligible Coaches 2024
Europe Triathlon - List of World Triathlon Level 2 Eligible Coaches 2024
Americas Triathlon - List of World Triathlon Level 2 Eligible Coaches 2024
Oceania Triathlon - List of World Triathlon Level 2 Eligible Coaches 2024

Central Africa hosted the first international Duathlon in Bouar

The first weekend of December will always be remembered in Central Africa after hosting the first International Duathlon event in Bouar. Hundreds of locals gathered to cheer the participating athletes from Chad, Cameroon and Central Africa, competing in three age categories: Junior, Elite and Age-Group.

Stay updated on World Triathlon National Federation Services & Development
Contact us at development@triathlon.org or federations@triathlon.org

Kategorie: Triatlon

Duny na Dakaru vystřídaly kameny. Engel je projel bez zadní brzdy

Z Jablonecka - Po, 15/01/2024 - 20:00
Milan Engel může stále usilovat o top 20, aktuálně je na 23. příčce. Další náročnou porci dun a cest na kamenech mají za sebou jezdci týmu Orion – Moto Racing Group. Martin Michek také po osmé etapě drží 10. místo v průběžném pořadí Dakarské rallye.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Kdo bude nejrychlejším prvňákem a prvňačkou? Ukáže se na Jablonecké hale

Z Jablonecka - Po, 15/01/2024 - 03:00
Mezinárodní mítink Jablonecká hala má již několikaletou tradici uspořádat v rámci mítinku závod o nejrychlejší žákyni a žáka prvních ročníků jabloneckých škol. Je to jediný halový závod v republice, který se běží v této kategorii.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Engel: Musím se vzpamatovat. Z problému mu pomohl Romančík

Z Jablonecka - Ne, 14/01/2024 - 23:59
Druhá půlka velmi náročné Dakarské rallye se rozjela a pro tým Orion – Moto Racing Group se neobešla bez problémů. Martin Michek předvedl i po pádu výborný výkon a v průběžném pořadí se vrátil na desátou příčku. Vážnou komplikací není ani jeho namožená ruka. Naopak málem skončil Milan Engel.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Jablonecká hala opět přivítá hvězdy atletiky z domova i ze zahraničí

Z Jablonecka - Ne, 14/01/2024 - 23:58
Nejstarší halový mítink v republice s názvem Jablonecká hala 2024 se uskuteční v sobotu 20. ledna v atletické hale na Střelnici. Pořadatelé z atletického oddílu TJ LIAZ chtějí navázat na úspěšný mítink v minulém roce, kde se v Jablonci urodilo několik nejlepších světových výkonů v roce.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Lepší podívaná jak v extralize! V Jablonci viděli fandové devatenáct branek

Z Jablonecka - Ne, 14/01/2024 - 23:00
Fanoušci hokeje, kteří v nedělním podvečeru přišli v Jablonci na utkání krajského přeboru, domácích Gepardů proti Lomnici nad Popelkou, rozhodně nelitovali (13:6). Viděli totiž zásluhou obou týmů opravdu velkou brankovou úrodu. A branky padaly již od úvodního hvizdu. Gepardi vykročili do utkání rázně a ve druhé minutě už šli do vedení po přesné ráně Tomíčka. 
Kategorie: Triatlon

Byli jsme hladovější po bodech. Náš brankář podal super výkon, říká trenér HC

Z Jablonecka - Ne, 14/01/2024 - 20:21
V krajském hokejovém přeboru zajížděl tým HC Jablonec na led soupeře. V České Lípě je čekal náruživý sok. A hosté také věděli, že musí bodovat. Takže o výsledku 2:3 rozhodly až samostatné nájezdy. 
Kategorie: Triatlon

Látal: Na výsledky teď nebereme příliš ohled. Pokračujeme v přípravě

Z Jablonecka - Ne, 14/01/2024 - 11:00
Druhý přípravný zápas odehrál prvoligový tým FK Jablonec kousek za severními hranicemi proti spřátelenému klubu ze čtvrté polské soutěže Karkonosze Jelenia Gora. A po utkání s Varnsdorfem,ve kterém Látalův celek v prvním přípravném zápase nového roku podlehl ve Varnsdorfu místnímu druholigovému celku 0:2, si zlepšil náladu. 
Kategorie: Triatlon

Engel: Dakar bych za nic neměnil. Chci hlavně dojet až do cíle

Z Jablonecka - Ne, 14/01/2024 - 10:30
Milan Engel exkluzivně pro Jablonecký deník přímo z dějiště Dakaru. Slavná soutěž má za sebou první polovinu. Pořadatelé Dakaru 2024 připravili pro téměř osm stovek závodníků trať s dvanácti etapami a prologem o celkové délce téměř 8 tisíc kilometrů, z toho měřených je 4 716. Novinkou letošního ročníku je 48hodinová etapa bez asistence, která nahradila dřívější podobu maratonské etapy.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Odešla jedna z největších legend fotbalu v Jablonci

Z Jablonecka - Pá, 12/01/2024 - 23:00
V pátek 12. ledna 2024 se uzavřela životní kapitola další legendy jabloneckého fotbalu, ve věku 79 let zemřel Petr Majer.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Engel: Byly to nejtěžší dva dny, co jsem na Dakaru kdy zažil

Z Jablonecka - Pá, 12/01/2024 - 20:13
Engel se posunul do nejlepší dvacítky. Michek kvůli naražené ruce nejede naplno. Závodníci museli zdolat nebezpečnou a úmornou novinku v podobě dvoudenní etapy v poušti. Kromě Dušana Drdaje se všichni jezdci Orion Moto Racing Group dostali do cíle.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Paralympic Triathlon qualification: pathways to Paris 2024

ITU - novinky - Pá, 12/01/2024 - 14:23

On 1-2 September 2024, in France’s world-famous capital city, 120 men and women will be hitting the start lines on the Seine River to chase their Paris 2024 Paralympic Triathlon dreams.

The big prizes are the eleven gold medals in total available, with the PTS2, PTS3, PTS4 and PTS5 classes on the Sunday, PTVI and PTWC on the Monday.

For each medal event, the top 9 athletes in the Paralympic Rankings after 1 July 2024 will auto-qualify a slot for Paris 2024, the exception being the women’s PTS4 class, where it will be the top 9 plus the top 5 on the PTS3 ranking and classing-up is possible due to there being no women’s PTS3 medal event.

A further 16 (gender-free) slots then will be filled through the Bipartite Commission Invitations, the recipients of which are decided jointly by the IPC and World Triathlon.

It must also be noted that each qualified place goes to that country, rather than the specific athletes achieving those ranking places, so the final selection of the maximum 2 athletes per medalling event, per NPC, ultimately remains in the hands of the National Paralympic Committees.

The Paralympic Qualification Period began on 1 July 2023 and runs through to the same date in 2024, two months before the big show gets underway. Between now and the cut-off point, there are no fewer than thirteen ranking races at which the athletes can put themselves into contention or confirm their spot, the top three results counting - the coming months are going to be crucial!

World Triathlon Para Series
15 March – World Triathlon Para Series Devonport (AUS)
11 May – World Triathlon Para Series Yokohama (JPN)
22 June – World Triathlon Para Series Swansea (GBR)
29 June – World Triathlon Para Series Montreal (CAN)

World Triathlon Para Cup
8 March – World Triathlon Para Cup Abu Dhabi (UAE)
21 April – World Triathlon Para Cup Yenisehir (TUR)
18-19 May – World Triathlon Para Cup Samarkand (UZB)
1-2 June – World Triathlon Para Cup Vigo (ESP)
8-9 June – World Triathlon Para Cup Taranto (ITA)
15 June – World Triathlon Para Cup Besancon (FRA)

Continental Championships
4 February – Oceania Triathlon Para Championships Stockton (AUS)
8 March – Americas Triathlon Para Championships Miami (USA)
2 June – Asia Triathlon Para Championships Subic Bay (PHI)

check the points available at each race here

Chasing the security of the rankings top 9

With qualification routes rather more straightforward than those of the Olympic Games, and few surprises at the top of the rankings at the turn of the year, among the names looking to get 2024 off to a fast start will be Nic Beveridge H1, currently 11th in the men’s PTWC ranking (topped by USA’s Howie Sanborn H1) but with only two out of three results counting so far unlike all those ahead of him, so one strong result should see him make inroads to the safety of the top 9. A first WTCS win in Yokohama last year will leave Japan’s Jumpei Kimura H1 confident, too, despite a disappointing end to 2023, while successive Para Cup golds in Taranto and A Coruna have catapulted Giuseppe Romele H1 (ITA) up to 7th in the rankings.

After USA’s Kendall Gretsch H2 won that sprint finish against Lauren Parker H1 (AUS) in Tokyo, the women’s PTWC rankings are again full of further medal contenders. Fewer than 40 points separate Netherlands’ Margret Ijdema H1, Mexico’s Brenda Osnaya Alvarez H1 and USA’s Skyler Fisher H2 in 9th, 10th and 11th respectively, all three possible to feature in Paris.

PTVI race for places hotting up

In the visually impaired class rankings, a little over 50 points is all that separates Sam Harding B3 (AUS), Donnacha McCarthy B1 (IRL), Paul Lloveras B2 (FRA) and Gerasimos Lignos B3 (GRE) in the 9th-12th positions of the men’s PTVI rankings at the start of 2024. Lazar Filipovic B2 (SRB) stands in 13th currently, chasing a first Games having passed up his place for Tokyo 2020 after an accident left him less than fully fit. Ireland’s Judith Maccombe B3 ended 2023 with back-to-back Para Cup podiums and finds herself in contention despite having only three races in the period to her name.

Among the names to watch in the women’s PTS4 class will be the young American talent Emma Meyers, who claimed her first Para Series win and fourth successive podium in Swansea at the age of just 18 and in her second year of racing. With a first Paralympic qualification looking assured, could a medal even be in reach? Kendra Herber currently sits in 9th spot but is the third American athlete, so WTCS Montreal champion Kenia Yesenia Villalobos Vargas (MEX) will be looking to seize her opportunity to qualify along with Australia’s Sally Pilbeam.

The men’s PTS4 sees the likes of Alejandro Sánchez Palomero (ESP), Jorge Luis Fonseca (BRA) and Jeremy Peacock (AUS) on the hunt for the security of the top 9, experienced names such as Mhlengi Gwala (RSA) and Jiachao Wang (CHN) further down but with just one ranking race to date and ready to start their surge.

All eyes on 1 July prize

Bronze in Long Beach last year saw Britain’s Michael Salisbury closing in on the top 10 of the men’s PTS5, just 25 points behind Australia’s David Bryant, Antoine Besse (FRA) also chasing hard in 12th place. In the women’s PTS5, Cristina Miranda Zambrano (ESP) and Emilie Gral (FRA) will have their eyes on Monika Belczewska (POL) currently in 9th.

Para Cup silver medallists in 2023, Stephane Bahier (FRA) and Adam Popp (USA) will want to consolidate their places inside the men’s PTS2 top 9, while Allysa Seely currently sits 9th and is the third USA female in the women’s PTS2, with new faces likely to be making their debuts on the rankings early in 2024.

Finally, in the men’s PTS3, a mere 10 points separates positions 8-11 in the rankings; Ibrahim Al Hussein (TRI), Diego Lardón Ferrer (ESP), Giovanni Sciaccaluga (ITA) and Michael Herter (FRA) all with a job to do before 1 July if they are to secure their Paris places.

Kategorie: Triatlon

Dakar překvapil novinkou. Závodníci spali tam, kam se jim podařilo dojet

Z Jablonecka - Čt, 11/01/2024 - 23:00
Velká novinka zpestřila letošní ročník Dakarské rallye. Organizátoři zařadili do programu dvoudenní etapu Chrono48, ve které musí překonat 626 měřených kilometrů v dunách pouště Rub al-Chálí. Přespávají v bivaku, do kterého se jim podařilo dostat.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Sáňkařská dráha ve Smržovce hlásí: Všechno je na víkend připraveno

Z Jablonecka - Čt, 11/01/2024 - 22:00
Sportovní lahůdku si může užít druhý lednový víkend každý, kdo dorazí do Smržovky. Tam před osmi lety vznikla jedna z mála přírodních sáňkařských drah v České republice. Byla v provozu už začátkem prosince loňského roku. Pak zaúřadovalo počasí. Ale o víkendu 12. - 14. ledna nabízí opět své služky. 
Kategorie: Triatlon

Olympic triathlon qualification: the pathways to Paris 2024

ITU - novinky - Čt, 11/01/2024 - 19:47

The new year is here and the Paris 2024 qualification picture is beginning to clear for some of the athletes chasing the 55 men’s and 55 women’s berths on the Olympic start line.

The qualification routes to Paris are numerous, always with a maximum of three athletes per gender per country. Based on the Mixed Relay as well as individual Olympic rankings, there’s also the Mixed Relay Olympic Qualification event Huatulco, New Flag positions (for the top-ranked athletes on each continent from countries not already qualified) and up to two Tripartite invitations per gender will be awarded after the 27 May deadline.

Before which there now remain three World Triathlon Championship Series events, six World Triathlon Cups, three Continental Championships and a Continental Games at which the athletes can earn points for the individual qualification rankings and contribute to their second-period scores, plus two Mixed Relay Series events, a Mixed Relay Qualification event and a Continental Mixed Relay in Oceania. The race for places is heating up!

8 March – World Triathlon Championship Series Abu Dhabi (UAE)
11 May – World Triathlon Championship Series Yokohama (JPN)
25-26 May – World Triathlon Championship Series Cagliari (ITA)

24 February – World Triathlon Cup Napier (NZL)
24 March – World Triathlon Cup Hong Kong (HKG)
20 April – World Triathlon Cup Wollongong (AUS)
29 April – World Triathlon Cup Chengdu (CHN)
18-19 May – World Triathlon Cup Samarkand (UZB)
18-19 May – World Triathlon Cup Huatulco (MEX)

16 March – African Games Accra (GHA)
16 March – Oceania Triathlon Sprint Championships Devonport (AUS)
14 April – Oceania Triathlon Championships Napier (NZL)
21 April – Asia Triathlon Championships Hatsukaichi (JPN)

25 February – World Triathlon Mixed Relay Series Napier (NZL)
9 March – World Triathlon Mixed Relay Series Abu Dhabi (UAE)
17 March – Oceania Triathlon Mixed Relay Championships Devonport (AUS)
17 May – World Triathlon Mixed Relay Olympic Qualification Event Huatulco (MEX)

With 4-6 races from the first qualification period and 6-8 second-period scores (up to a total of 12 races) taken into account in the hunt for positions, every place can count when the final tallies are totted up at the end of May. The points available at the remaining races can be found here. (Each spot goes to that country, rather than the athletes in those places, so the final selection ultimately remains in the hands of the federations and NOCs.)

French and German teams taking shape

To qualify the maximum number of men and/or women, there must be three of that gender inside the top 30 of the Olympic Ranking as of 27 May 2024. France, USA, Great Britain, Germany are currently on course to qualify three women, Hungary, Spain, France and Germany looking most likely to take three men as it stands - early 2024 form will be critical in catching the selectors’ eyes.

The French names all but confirmed are the men’s 2023 World Champion Dorian Coninx, the women’s runner up in the Series Cassandre Beaugrand and Championship Finals bronze medallist Pierre Le Corre. The man currently in number one spot in the Olympic rankings but yet to hit their criteria to qualify is another Frenchman; 2022 world champion Leo Bergere.

After a huge 2023 for German triathlon, Laura Lindemann, Lisa Tertsch, Nina Eim, Lasse Luhrs and Tim Hellwig have all fulfilled their federation’s criteria to qualify for Paris thanks to their respective results in the Test Event and Pontevedra Finals, while who could take a third men’s spot remains in the balance.

Brazil’s Manoel Messias, Csongor Lehmann of Hungary and Netherlands’ Maya Kingma and Rachel Klamer have all fulfilled their NF criteria and booked their starts at Paris 2024, the Dutch legend looking likely to be joined by husband Richard Murray.Alex Yee and Beth Potter’s victories in the Paris Test Event saw them become the first names on that provisional Team GB squad, the second male currently Barclay Izzard (rank 44) with Jonathan Brownlee just three spots lower.

Pearson and Knibb set to star for USA

As he was ahead of Tokyo 2020,  Morgan Pearson became the first US male to confirm his spot, Taylor Knibb the only American woman with her place set after both finished inside the top 7 at the Test Event. That means the chase is now on for the likes of Matthew McElroy (16) and Seth Rider (38), Taylor Spivey (3) and the five other American women currently inside the top 50 - including Rio 2016 Champion Gwen Jorgensen and Tokyo 2020 bronze medalist Katie Zaferes.

Oceania’s first confirmed athlete is Australian Matthew Hauser with compatriot Natalie Van Coevorden the top-ranked Australian woman, while New Zealand’s Ainsley Thorpe and Nicole Van Der Kaay, Hayden Wilde and Dylan McCullough are currently inside the top 50. Miriam Casillas Garcia and Antonio Serrat Seoane are Spain’s ‘pre-qualifiers’ almost certainly assured of a start, Jeanne Lehair is all set for an exciting Olympic debut for Luxembourg, likewise Rosa Maria Tapia Vidal for Mexico.

Getting real for the return of Olympic Mixed Relay

At the start of 2024 we have already seen some significant confirmations of places. As hosts, France automatically received 2 men’s and two women’s spots to field a relay team. That meant that when they won the 2022 Mixed Relay World Championships in Montreal (which also saw 2 men and 2 women’s spots in Paris on the line), it was the team in second – Great Britain – who also guaranteed two men’s and two women’s berths for the Olympic Mixed Relay on 5 August.

Team Germany was crowned World Champions in Hamburg and secured 2+2 Paris places. Now, the top six countries on the Mixed Relay Rankings on 25 March 2024 will receive 2 places per gender, rolling down to the next eligible if a higher team is already qualified (eg. France, GB, Germany). The top two nations at the Mixed Relay Qualification Event in Huatulco not already guaranteed a team in Paris will also secure 2+2 places, making it a potentially massive day in Mexico for the likes of Team Hungary, Japan and indeed Mexico to potentially qualify a team.

110 men and women, five continents, only two individual champions

Two male and two female Universality Places will be awarded by the Tripartite Commission, and continental representation will be ensured through the New Flag route, where one place is awarded to the highest ranking NOC from each continent not yet qualified as of 27 May 2024 (in the priority order; Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania).

At the turn of 2024, that means for the women Ekaterina Shabalina (KAZ) or Bailee Brown (HKG) in contention for the Asia slot and a possible three-way battle of Slovakian talent with Ivana Kuriackova, Zuzana Michalickova and Romana Gajdosova vying for a European slot along with Melanie Santos (POR) and Tilda Mansson (SWE).

Shanae Williams (RSA) and Manami Iijima (GUM) lead the way in the Africa and Oceania chase, while Argentina’s Romina Biagioli could take the slot for the Americas with Raquel Solis Guerrero (CRC) over 300 points behind.

Men’s New Flag opens new doors

These names are far from an exhaustive list of contenders, however, and what happens in the places higher up the ranking over the coming months will of course change things up considerably. For the European men’s New Flag for example, Felix Duchampt (ROU) lies in that slot, but could qualify within the Olympic Rankings alone and therefore that place could roll to Vitalii Vorontsov (UKR) or Panagiotis Bitados, the Greek talent who didn’t race in the first period.

Matthew Wright (BAR) looks well set for the Americas’ spot, Jean Gael Laurent L’entete (MRI) and Siefeldeen Ismail (EGY) are competing for the Africa New Flag and another Hong Kong athlete, Jason Tai Long Ng, and Ayan Beisenbayev (KAZ) could be battling it out for the Asia slot. With no Oceania male in or near the top-180 cut-off, that slot looks set to go to the highest non-qualified athlete on the Olympic Rankings.

Some mouthwatering match-ups ahead, and it all kicks off in Napier on 24 February on TriathlonLive.tv.

Kategorie: Triatlon

Hokej, česká národní vášeň. Vychovat malého Jágra se ale rodičům prodraží

Z Jablonecka - Čt, 11/01/2024 - 14:00
Bronzoví junioři na nedávno skončeném MS znovu připomněli, jak moc Češi milují hokej. Vedle fotbalu je právě drsná hra tvrdých mužů a odvážných žen na ledové ploše tuzemským národním sportem. Ze skromných začátků na zamrzlých rybnících vznikl miliardový byznys a vášeň pro miliony fanoušků a hráčů po celém světě. Připomeňte si v dalším dílem zimního seriálu Deníku slavné okamžiky historie a přečtěte si, co (a kolik) dnes obnáší výchova malého hokejisty.
Kategorie: Triatlon

Kosina nejlepším hráčem podzimu! Nabídky měl, z Mimoně ale neutíká

Z Jablonecka - Čt, 11/01/2024 - 09:24
Je to zajímavá tradice. A také velmi příjemná. Fotbalisté Mimoně, účastník krajské I.A třídy, na konci roku vyhlásili anketu o nejlepšího hráče podzimní části. Vítězem se stal 23letý Miroslav Kosina.
Kategorie: Triatlon
